Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Breaking News! Another Ginormous Rocket Transport Log-Jam

We have breaking news to report at my Library!  Film at 11.  (Always wanted to say that.)

Dateline, right now, outside my Library:  Another ginormous rocket transport has log-jammed at the intersection of West Main and South Monroe Streets right outside the Indiana Roving Reporter Room of my Library.  Excited locals scurried to the scene (moi-self included) and began asking the tough questions, like:

  •  Whose rocket booster is this, and why is it stuck in my hometown?
  •  Is this an earth-originating craft, or are we being invaded by extraterrestrials?
  •  Did they bring canned-tuna-in-oil for moi?
Once again, my alert photographer minion captured these telling images.  Not my fault if they're out-of-focus.

Rocket Booster Log-Jam by the MPL Electronic Sign
(Just Beyond the MPL Courtyard)

Obviously a Rocket Booster, Probably the First Stage

Sinisterly Unmarked--Must Be Super-Secret
(Like, Maybe, INVADERS?!)

"Yep, It's Stuck.  Pretty Much."

My Supper Dish Had Better Not Be Anywhere Near There.  Just Saying.

Confidential sources have told this roving reporter that the super-secret rocket ship is part of a slobberdog space station project that NASA rejected (because, well, how could slobberdogs run a space station?  I mean, come on!  Duh!) but which has been privately funded by mega-billionaires from several nations where there's a lot of money lying around.  So we can rule out space invaders (too bad--they might have brought moi some treats).

You may recall that we had this rocket/traffic jam difficulty before.  Who plans the routes for these trucks, anyway?  You'd think somebody would have found an alternate way, since these huge shipments cannot seem to negotiate the turn at this intersection.

Perhaps the drivers of these behemoths need to have an experienced feline driver handle the big rigs in these tight quarters.  We all know what a great driver I am.

Can Turn On a Dime,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Transportation News Beat

P.S.  The best trucker novelty song is "Convoy" (1976), by C. W. McCall, the pseudonym of William Dale Fries, Jr.  The song reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles charts.

1 comment:

  1. And I know once Commissioner Adams comes back from his lounging on a Beach somewhere, will be investigating this. Lucky him!


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