Tuesday, September 27, 2011

60K OK 4 Moi

It's halftime during ALA Banned Books Week, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to report that the MPL YouTube Channel has passed (drum roll, if you please . . .) the 60,000 viewership mark!  You may recall that, at the end of January, my Library blogged that our YouTube videos had just passed 25,000 viewings, so we've made some progress since then.  We are approaching 200 uploaded videos, which is another nice round number (especially good for these commemorative postings).  Thanks to our tireless staff who make all these great things possible.

Our YouTube Channel has many playlists for our book trailers, program trailers, promo trailers, music videos, history videos, and other video stuff.  The playlists appear along the right side of our YouTube Channel home page.  They're worth a look.

I suppose I'll post when we reach 75K and 100K and so on . . .  I like all these statistics.  Seems like we're accomplishing something.

My Blog's Poised to Hit 30K--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Statistics News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of numbers, Keith (James Barry Keefer, now Bazza Keefer) released his biggest hit, "98.6" (1967), which climbed to #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles charts.  It was typical of the "bubblegum" sound of the mid- to late-1960s.  (It was called "bubblegum" because the music was marketed to, and appealed to, preteens and early teens--probably the 10-14 age range.)  Tiger Beat territory, eh, Lady With the Red Hair?

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