Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Follow-Up Breaking News! More Rocket Transport Log-Jams

Thanks to my unnamed sources, I have discovered that there are four or five additional rocket transports behind the one stuck at the Main-Monroe Street intersection waiting to make the turn.  They have now moved the stuck truck, and the stragglers are taking their best shots at the intersection.

I would have posted additional photos, but two people dressed in black arrived and took my digital camera.

Hey!  Those Dudes Took My Camera!

News flash, Agents K and J.  Neuralyzers don't work on felines.  Word to the wise.

Sorry, Guys.  Flashy-Thing Doesn't Affect Us Kitties

That's why we cats are given charge of galaxies.

Loved That Slobberdog in the First MIB Movie,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Transportation News Beat

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