Friday, February 24, 2012

A Tribute to Jules Le Chat (1998/2001?-2012)

Last Friday (Feb. 17, 2012), my dear friend and relation Jules Le Chat passed over.  Like moi, Jules (or Juliet, as Kindly Couple called her) was an outdoor Library hang-arounder.  In June, 2004, The Lady With the Red Hair and Buffalo Gal discovered Jules waiting at their car in the Library parking lot.  She had been hanging out at the Library for awhile, asking passing people for assistance.  She was extremely thin, badly groomed, and obviously in need of much loving care.  She was clearly an adult kitty--the V-E-T subsequently gauged her age at between 3-6 years--so she had knocked around the streets of Mooresville for quite some time, unless she had been "dumped" at the Library, which was admittedly a possibility.  Her distinguishing physical characteristic was a partially-amputated tail, presumably due to a catastrophic injury, that earned her the nickname "Stumpy" from moi (although I only used it in jest--Jules could take a joke with grace and good humor).

Jules Le Chat in a Playful Pose (2011)

The Lady With the Red Hair and Buffalo Gal knew just what to do.  They entered the Library and spoke with CompuGal, who was then head of Adult Reference Services, to see if anyone affiliated with the Library could shed light on Jules' plight.  There were no leads there, so our gallant ladies took Jules around the neighborhood to inquire if she "belonged" to any humans living nearby.  Nobody claimed Jules, and the Library, then as now, was unable to have a full-time resident feline living inside the building.  So Kindly Couple intervened and adopted Jules, who enjoyed the subsequent eight years living comfortably in a country homestead close to town.

Jules was a sweet, kind, loving cat.  She was regal, refined, and friendly to everyone--humans, felines, and canines included--although she occasionally did the feline predator thing and caught winged dinners, meeses, and tiny burrowdogs (i.e., moles).  She was a wonderful representative of our species.  We loved her with all our hearts and miss her sharing our physical lives here on earth.

Jules was no free-loader, either.  She worked hard as one of my special feline correspondents for the Library.  If you have followed my blog since the beginning, you have probably read some of her work.  If not, now's your chance.

Now she is gone but never forgotten.  We know she has joined Shiloh, our late friend and great slobberdog guardian, who crossed over nearly a year ago next month.  Other felines from Kindly Couple's family over the past three decades--Fluffy, Jack, Einnie, Dozer, Punkin, Callie Jo, Daisy Dog, and Daughter--were also there to guide Jules in her transition to the Summerland, where we hope one day to rejoin her.  I reckon she has met up with the rest of her tail.  Spirit bodies are always whole, particularly when the spirit is as wholesome, pure, and loving as Jules.

The Lids Remove Themselves in Heavenly Canned Tuna-in-Oil,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Feline Tribute News Beat

P.S.  "Hey, Jules" was Paul McCartney's original title for a song written for John Lennon's son, Julian.  It was subsequently changed to "Hey, Jude" (1968), which became the Beatles' biggest selling single release, remaining atop Billboard's Hot 100 Pop Singles chart for nine weeks and charting the American top 40 for something like 26 weeks or longer.  The song has arguably the greatest refrain ever written for a pop tune.  Jules Le Chat would be pleased to have the song dedicated to her for today's musical closer.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Jules - she sounds like she was a smart and very special kitty.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Jules. I'm glad she found your library and your Kindly Couple--she sounds like she had a happy happy adulthood.

    I hope the rest of her tail is waiting for her at the Bridge!


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