Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Features Welcomes Evergreen Indiana

On this week's Friday Features, Evergreen Indiana has entered the current top ten video viewing list for the MPL YouTube Channel.

Click to Bigify

One of our program, or promo, trailers showcasing the Evergreen Indiana Open-Source Integrated Library System has cracked the current top ten viewership list.  If you're new to E.I., our promo trailer will break the ice.

Evergreen Indiana Open-Source ILS Promo Trailer
(MPL Program Trailer #12)

Another newcomer to the present top ten videos is our book trailer featuring one of humorist James Thurber's funnier collections of stories.

The Thurber Carnival, by James Thurber
(MPL Book Trailer #34)

If you've never read Thurber before, Thurber Carnival is an excellent place to begin.  If you're into the readers' advisory thing, and you have a high tolerance for Scowl-Face's bleatings, then this is the blog posting for you.  (2018 UPDATE:  You're in luck.  Scowl-Face's readers' advisory blog was taken down.  Guess he got tired of it.)

Evergreen Indiana--Both a Library Card and a Consortium,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
YouTube Video Viewing News Beat

P.S.  This Columbia Pictures/United Productions of America (UPA) cartoon (1953) animated James Thurber's characters from "The Unicorn in the Garden," a short story Thurber wrote for The New Yorker magazine (October 31, 1939).  The humorous story was Thurber's most famous "modern fable," and it was included in The Thurber Carnival (1945).

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