Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feeling Fully Appreciated, Thank You Very Much

I'm feeling fully appreciated after yesterday's festivities.  In fact, besides Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan's video, I have a lapel pin to prove it.

"Flat" Cauli II Models My Lapel Pin
(Click to Bigify Photos)

Yep.  Fully Appreciated; That's Moi

Feeling Fully Appreciated, Thank You Very Much,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Staff Holiday News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of appreciation, Ann-Margret, portraying the character Rusty Martin in the movie Viva Las Vegas (1964) opposite Elvis Presley, sings "Appreciation," which appears to have been excluded from the reissued soundtrack CD (2003).  Perhaps I'm just overlooking it in the track list.

P.P.S.  Another, less memorable 1964 movie that Ann-Margret starred in was Kitten With a Whip, which received a justly-deserved riffing from Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Episode 615).  Mike and the 'Bots crack wise during a sequence in which, strangely counterpointing the characters' ages and circumstances, annoying cartoons play on the TV in the background.

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