Friday, February 24, 2012

Wild Thang Scorches YouTube Viewing Stats

I already did Friday Features earlier today, but I just took a peek at Wild Thang's YouTube Channel, and here's what I noticed.

Click to Bigify

The Miss Jaymi's Channel has graced YouTube for just a little over five months already, and her total video viewership is 11,675.  Do you know how long it took the MPL YouTube Channel to reach 10,000?  Moi, neither.  I was hoping you'd know so we could make a meaningful comparison.

Wait, I can look it up!  Done and done.  It took nine months.  That was actually faster than I remembered.  It felt like much longer.

Anyway, the point is that Wild Thang's Channel is scorching YouTube in terms of library viewership statistics.  Well, for libraries the size of ours, that's a huge number of viewings in such a short time.   Quite impressive, I'd venture.  Wild Thang and Sammy are to be congratulated.  Boss Lady, that means raises all 'round.  Or raisins.  Something like that.

Kudos to Wild Thang and her partner, Sammy the Toucan, for making early literacy a "must-see" on YouTube.  After a couple of years, your videos will be pulling big numbers.  the MPL YouTube Channel's 244 currently uploaded videos are presently being watched at a monthly rate of . . . let's see, now . . .

Click to Bigify

Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
YouTube Statistics News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of viewing statistics skyrocketing upward, I'm reminded of the beginning of the LP To Our Children's Children's Children (1969), by the Moody Blues, in which one hears a musical cacophony intended to simulate the launching of the Saturn V rocket carrying Apollo 11's astronauts to the moon earlier that year.  Following close behind is the first track, "Higher and Higher," written by MB percussionist Graeme Edge.  The Moodies were heavily into Eastern philosophy and mysticism at the time, as one may readily discern from the dramatic tone of the instrumentals and, especially, from the spoken lyrics.  This album, though, has a more direct purpose:  To praise the greatest human achievement of the 20th century (according to some folks).  Listen to the entire work, though, and you'll find philosophy aplenty.  The Moodies never disappoint when it comes to life lessons learned.


  1. That's fantastic! This is just one of many reasons I like you! You keep the stats that I am to lazy to look up!

  2. Too busy, Wild Thang. Lazy doesn't enter into anything you do. Demand that Boss Lady hire an assistant for you! Don't say it was my idea, however.


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