Choosing a good read just got easier. Take a look at our book display featuring titles with QR codes affixed to the front covers.
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If you use your smart phone or whatever gadget (with a QR app), you can scan the QR codes and watch our book trailers showcasing the books they're attached to! How cool is that?
I'll include a few of the QR codes we used. Scan them to see which book trailers play!
What'd you watch? I don't have any fancy QR app'ed gizmos, so I haven't got a clue. I'll have my minions post comments to reveal the answers, if any has smart phones or whatever.
Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat
Hey, Cauli, you could just let your mouse arrow hover over the QR codes, and you can see the names of the book trailers.