Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking a Spin, Legally

Remember when I blogged about driving the pace car at this year's Indianapolis 500 mile race?  Re-read, if you need, to get up to speed.

Now I discover that you need an Indiana driver's license to take a spin on the Hoosier public highways and byways.  What's up with that?  Felines require no such credentials, I hope you know, BMV bigwigs.  But I wouldn't want to get Buffalo Gal into trouble, and since her recently-acquired Ford Mustang is the only truly cool ride around my hang-outs, I guess I'd better toe the line.

The Lady With the Red Hair just received a postcard stating that she could renew her driver's license online.  I wonder if that would work for moi?  Here's what a Hoosier driver's license look like:

Official Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles
(BMV) Sample Driver's License

I'm on the BMV website now, and the procedure seems simple enough.  Let's see . . .  Type some stuff here and there . . .  Done, and done.

That Was Quick!

Who wants to go for a spin?  Anybody seen Buffalo Gal's car keys?

Peeling Out is Pretty Fine,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Transportation News Beat

P.S.  What better cool car song is there than "409," by the Beach Boys.  The song finished side one of the LP Surfin' Safari (1962), which was the group's debut album.


  1. Cauli, you can totally get a driver's license - not just Photoshopped! I found this site the other day and posted it on my Facebook page:

  2. You make a great racing driver Cauli! Like your smart driving license.


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