Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

At the intersection of State Roads 67 and 144 in Mooresville, Indiana, there are several electronic billboards vying for attention.

Sorry, But These Are FAKE Phone Numbers

(We had to insert bogus phone numbers in place of the actual numbers that appeared on the sign, because the Library, as a public entity, cannot advertise on behalf of private businesses. Now, if they were to give a generous donation to the Library, then we could publicize that. Hint, hint.)

Boss Lady said to moi just yesterday (well, she was speaking to Scowl-Face, but I was lounging under the table and overheard everything) that we need to expand the Library's marketing punch.  Truly Nice Gentleman sits on the MPL marketing committee, if I eavesdropped correctly, so he may wish to see my idea for a sure-fire marketing bonanza.

Click to Bigify

That, my friends, demonstrates what Sparkle the Designer Cat calls the Power of the Paw.  (Sparkle is a world-famous blogger and book author, so you'd better pay close attention when Sparkle coins a phrase.)  Paw power translates into more customers; in my Library's case, that means more patrons checking out materials, attending programs, and utilizing resources, thanks to moi.  You're welcome.

I bet our door count would soar if we ran this billboard.  Folks would flock to the Library in droves (or drive to the Library in flocks) once they caught a glimpse of moi filling the skyline.  It would probably blow our advertising budget through 2018, but the results would be so totally worthwhile.

Expecting a Little Something Extra in My Next Paycheck,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Marketing News Beat

P.S.  The only possible musical closer for today's posting is "Signs" (1971), by the Five Man Electrical Band, a Canadian group that is called a "one-hit wonder," although FMEB released several LPs.  The song was originally released in 1970 on the album Good-Byes and Butterflies, which was re-released in 1971 with different cover art.  "Signs" reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1971.

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