Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bismarck Rocks!

Kristi Harms, director at Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library, in Bismarck, North Dakota, emailed a music video that her library staff has made promoting Family Story Time's move to Mondays (plus some other program schedules shown at the end). This is one of the best library "promo trailers" available on the Internet.  We're talking 11 on the cuteness scale (which only goes up to 10, so it's pretty spectacular).
Take a peek at the many videos on BVMPL's YouTube Channel.

What especially impressed moi was the keen performing instincts of Colette, the white poodle.  My long-time readers know that I am loathe to suffer slobberdogs, but I am quick to admit talent when I see it, and Colette has plenty.  The Bismarck library staff, volunteers, and friends, of course, demonstrated considerable performance acumen as well, and they should be applauded for a truly outstanding videographic achievement, but everyone knows that it's the library animals that draw the crowds.  So, Colette, when are the next MTV Video Music Awards?  Save moi a seat.  I want to be there when you give your acceptance speech.

Great job, Bismarck Public Library!

Can't Wait to See Your Next Video!

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Music Video News Beat

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