Thursday, September 8, 2011

Get Your Genuine Driver's License, Kitties & Slobberdoggies

As usual, Sparkle the Designer Cat has a paw on the pulse of the Internet.  Sparkle alerted me to a website, My Pet DMV, from which we kitties (and slobberdoggies) may obtain genuine pet drivers' licenses.  The home page looks like this:

What an ingenious way to identify your four-pawed pal and his/her home address.  If, heaven forbid, you and your feline or canine become seriously separated, then this pet driver's license identification would facilitate quick communication between anyone who "found" your "pet" and yourself.  A happy reunion would ensue, thanks to this clever I.D.

Great heads-up, Sparkle!  Now, if only Boss Lady will buy one for moi.  Seems like a no-brainer.

Real I.D.s Are Better Than Photoshop, To Be Sure,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Transportation News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of speedy slobberdogs, here's our book trailer featuring the preschool children's classic, Go, Dog. Go!, by P. D. Eastman.  Is there anyone out there who doesn't adore this book?  That's what I thought.


  1. Wow, that was fast! And YOU say I am on top of things!

  2. What a great way to help reunite pets with their human two legs :)


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