Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posting Some Sweet Tweets Now

I'm now twitterin' away on Twitter, posting some sweet tweets, I can assure you.  Thanks to Broadway Gal, who set up my Library's account long ago, we have this great sharing resource for all my adoring fans.  Broadway Gal had twice provided Scowl-Face with the appropriate login information, which he immediately lost the first time around.  (Don't trust him with anything important.)  But now we're good to go.

MPL Twitter Page (Click to Bigify)

You should visit our Twitter page.  You know where to click.  Follow all our riveting tweets.  You know I'll have some spectacularly interesting hyperlinks to share or observations to make.  So far, I've been posting some links to my Library's YouTube videos or some of my recent blog posts.   But there should be more variety to follow, once I get the hang of this Twitterin' business.  Buffalo Gal says I need to learn the Twitter lexicon if I'm to become a really successful Tweeter.  Minions, make a one- or two-page summary for me.  By noon.  (My clock says 11:52 a.m. as I write.)  Today.  Make it so.  (I love being a boss kitty!)

I hope you follow all my Library's tweets.  We do some cool stuff, as you know.  Don't miss it.

Twitterin' Away Like a Winged Dinner,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Social Networking News Beat

P.S.  This instrumental (except for the sound effects) classic by The Tweets, "The Birdie Song" (produced by Henry Hadaway in the U.K., 1981) must be universally recognized as a variation of "The Chicken Dance," the transmogrified title of a song composed during the 1950s by Swiss accordion player Werner Thomas.  The original Swiss title was "Der Ententanz" (the Duck Dance), which would have made it an appropriate musical closer for my duck squatters blog posting.  You may recall we had a television musical closer featuring the chicken dance in one of my previous blog posts.


  1. Hi Cauli,
    I'm new to this twittering thing so apparently I've sent a request to tweet! Sorry if I sent more than one request by mistake!

  2. Thanks for following the Library's tweets, Ellie. We appreciate it. You should have access to our Twitter page now.

  3. Thanks Cauli. Yes we have access to your twitter page. Yay!


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