Saturday, June 25, 2011

Okay, I'm Officially Disgusted

There was an interesting item in today's newspaper, which, around these parts, is The Indianapolis Star.  Quoting (as shown in italics below):

Fried Food Frenzy Hits Kool-Aid

Fried Kool-Aid looks like it will be the newest of favored fried foods for sale at state fairs this summer.  Fried Kool-Aid debuted this month at the San Diego County Fair, where "Chicken" Charlie Boghosian, 42, tries to come up with new and unusual fried foods every year.  Boghosian creates a thick batter with Kool-Aid drink powder and uses an ice cream scoop to drop balls of the mix into the fryer.  An order of six or seven costs $5.95.  It's not clear whether it will be coming to Indiana.

Okay, I'm officially disgusted.

This is what fried Kool-Aid looks like, following the Boghosian recipe.

I'm quite impressed by Mr. Boghosian's entrepreneurial inventiveness.  He should make rather a large pile of money from this idea, and rightly so.  It is a clever confectionery concept.  Little kiddies will surely get their sugar (or sugar-substitute) rushes this summer at the fairs, for sure!  Plus folks who need a fried food fix will be all set, too.  As for moi, sugar and sugar substitutes combined with a deep-frying medium are WAY overrated as consumables, and I frankly can't imagine eating anything so sweet as fried batter balls of Kool-Aid.  You people out there may like it--I'm certainly down with that--but we felines are looking for more substantive kitty treats, like tuna-flavored kibble-on-a-stick.

If you'd like to try some yourself and are not afraid of homemaking a batch in your kitchen (well, it could be somebody else's kitchen; I'm not rigid about these details), here's a "how-to" video:

Deep Fried Kool-Aid Tutorial

Is there a fried Kool-Aid song?  Of course there is (eye-roll).

Fried Kool-Aid Song

The recipe is also available online at the fried Kool-Aid website.

Will this new culinary craze boost sales of Kool-Aid?  Folks at Kraft Foods are probably hoping so, big-time.

Sorry, But I'll Go For Tuna-Flavored Every Time,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Confectionery News Beat

P.S.  Here's a Kool-Aid television commercial from the 1950s.  Could you tell?  (Massive eye-roll).


  1. Maybe Broadway Gal or Wild Thang should make deep-fried Kool-Aid as a summer youth program.

  2. Not so keen on the idea of fried Kool-Aid balls! Deep-fried tuna balls sound more appealing!


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