Cauli Le Chat

Cauli Le Chat
Cauli Le Chat, MPL Feline Roving Reporter

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Crank Up That Juke Box and Dance!

The Decorinator and BizMeister were trying to think of some eye-catching decorations for the entrance to the library's youth services department that would dovetail nicely with the 2018 Summer Reading theme, "Libraries Rock!"  Queen Settler came up with a true winner:  If libraries rock, then why not display a jukebox?  So the Decorinator and BizMeister fashioned one out of cardboard, paper, plastic, and, well, you know, decorator stuff.

Click Photos to Bigify

That's a Cool Jukebox!

Which Band Made That Record?

Scowl-Face discovered a design flub, however.  He crashed his head into the big black note hanging over into the passageway into youth services.  So, watch out, tall patrons!  Duck!!!  Queen Settler demonstrates.


Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

For all you youngsters out there who don't know what a jukebox is, there's a video for that.

Click Video (Above) to Play

Obviously, since our jukebox is only a decoration, you can't actually play records on it, but you can crawl beneath it through the bottom passageway into (and out of) youth services.  But that's only for youngsters.  Adults don't get to have any fun.

Congrats to the Decorinator, BizMeister, and Queen Settler for this fantastic display!

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  The intro to the TV show Happy Days (1974-1984) featured a jukebox.  Here's the Season One intro (1974).  Kids--ask your grandparents who Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, et al., are/were.

Lady RaDA Returns!

Boss Lady sent out an email to staff yesterday with great news!  Lady RaDA is returning to the library as the new Deputy Director.  I guess we'd better get her a badge.

That's kind of plain, minions.  Got anything more interesting?

That's pretty cool.  Got the mask and everything.  But maybe we should go with the complete costume.

Great for Halloween!

How about this?

Fits in with the whole Lone Ranger deputy thing.

What will Lady RaDA's new duties as Deputy Director be?  We assume she'll do everything she used to do, plus a bunch more administrative stuff.  That's what happens when you get a promotion.  Lucky for moi that feline roving reporter doesn't have any upward mobility.

Welcome back, Lady RaDA!  Now get to work.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Thursday, May 17, 2018

2018 Summer Reading

Summer reading at the library starts June 1, 2018, with a whole bunch of terrific programs for patrons to enjoy.  This year's theme is "Libraries Rock!"  Click the photos below to bigify.

There's something for everybody, I'll venture.  Drop by the library for details.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Okay, Fine

Remember my last blog posting, when I poked fun at my library colleagues for not having any training materials ready to assist patrons wanting to use our new credit card payment capability for library fines?  Well, now Scowl-Face and Queen Settler have made a promo trailer about it.  Okay, fine.  Here it is.

Paying Fines by Credit Card (Promo Trailer)
by Mooresville Public Library

Took you guys long enough.

Need more assistance?  Just ask our helpful staff.  I'd help you, but it's my dinner time.  Priorities, after all.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Monday, May 14, 2018

Swipe Your Library Fines Away

T. Rex has installed a credit card payment machine at my library's self-checkout kiosk #2 (at the circulation desk), so patrons may now pay some library fines on credit.

All set to pay those fines?

Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg) (1902-1975)

Oops!  Wrong fine.

Let's see what this credit card swiperdoodle looks like.  Click the photos to bigify.

That's some of the screens that will appear on the self-checkout kiosk monitor (and credit card machine) while you're going through the paying process.  I'd explain the steps, but staff training hasn't happened yet, and there's no instructional handout or video yet.  Sounds like (... wait for it ...)

Yep.  Pretty much.

May 16, 2018 update:  Now we have a training video (see below).

Click Above to Play Video

Now for the boilerplate.

"Pay your library fines by credit card at self-checkout kiosk #2 at the circulation desk. Payment of full fines (greater than $3.00) has been enabled; partial fines (or sums less than $3.00) must be paid to circulation staff."

So, give it a try, next time you want to pay down your library fines.  Or pay the old-fashioned way.  We'll gladly take your money.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Where Large Print Went

If you're looking for large print books at my library, you won't find them where they used to be shelved (along the wall shared with the community room).  So where'd they go?  Take a peek at where the adult fiction books (A-C) used to be shelved.  (Click the photos to bigify.)

New Shelving Location For Large Print Books

Large print books are now shelved on the front shelves in the adult fiction area, starting at the north end (i.e., closest to the emergency exit onto the courtyard).  Large Print now occupies about two-and-one-half shelf ranges, as shown in the photos below.

Look for signs like these on the ends of the shelves.

So, where did all the adult fiction books go?  They start behind the newspaper & magazine shelves, run west (toward the community room shared wall), then run along that shared wall, then come back east (toward the grand hall) until they reach where large print are now shelved.  Easy, right?  Well, come take a look.  You'll see how it's arranged easily enough.

Adult Fiction K-M is along the back wall where Large Print used to be.  Deal with it.

Many thanks to Miss Kathleen (whom I'm now going to call CompTechGal as her Cauli nickname) and her team for shifting all those books around in really short order.  They were super-fast, so maybe I should call her The Flash.

Yep, Pretty Much

I'll stick with CompTechGal.  Trademark and copyright infringement lawsuits, I don't need.  (Teen Titan, notwithstanding.)

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat