Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Our Winter Reading Program

Our Winter Reading Program has begun at MPL.  While you're cooped up inside because of the cold weather, you might as well enjoy yourselves and do something useful.  Note to my minions, however:  feed moi first, then read on your own time.  Just saying.

Click Snowperson to See Our Winter Reading Flyer

The program runs from December 1 through January 31.

Questions?  We have librarians for that.  I'm more of a "big-picture" feline boss.

Ask our youth services librarians:
  • Casey at the Bat (i.e., Miss Casey);
  • The Jessinator (i.e., Miss Jess); or
  • The Catbrarian (i.e., Miss Teresa).
or our adult program coordinator:
You may reach any of them at:

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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