Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Not E-xactly, But Clos

It's not E-xactly right, but it's clos.

 Click Photos to Bigify

Who's That Strange Feline?  Just Asking

Our new outdoor LED sign has been running for a month now, but we just had the lettering installed last Friday.  During installation, the final letter E broke, so "Mooresville" is temporarily misspelled.  (Our librarians know how to spell; we're not idiots.  Well, except Scowl-Face.)

So please bear with us while we await the replacement letter E.  E's are overrated, I'll venture.  Why do we need them?  Put another way:  Why do w* n**d th*m?  Okay, I guess we do.

Meanwhile, you may watch all the important messages sliding across the sign about our upcoming programs, events, and services.  That's the critical part, truly.  But what I really want to know is:  Who is that cat with the glasses?  This library already has a roving reporter.  'Nuff said.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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