Saturday, December 5, 2015

An Elkenfroster Plays a Dulcimer

It would have been really something to have seen a real elkenfroster (what humans call a reindeer) playing a dulcimer at the Library's portion of Mooresville's Victorian Christmas celebration today (December 5).  But real life isn't a Disney cartoon, so we had to have separate events.

Silly Safaris (with Candy Cane Chris) brought the elkenfroster for a meet & greet photo op with our patrons.  Click the photos to bigify.

While that was happening, the Central Indiana Folk Music & Mountain Dulcimer Society performed music in the Library's Grand Hall.

There was a lively turnout, as always for these programs.  If you weren't able to attend this time, there's always next year.  Or you could build a time machine and travel to the past to see previous celebrations.  Or you could just look at some photos I've posted from past events.  It's your call.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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