Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hear That March Lion Roar!

In fitting feline fashion, March came in like a lion today.

 Click Photos to Bigify

There was too much snow for moi to walk over to the Library--plus there were whopper trucks plowing the streets, which are noisy and scary to us kitties--so I visited Kindly Couple, who took these pix from inside their house.  (Actually, they didn't want to get the camera lens wet.)  I, too, did not venture out.  No fools, we.

I had a nice chat with Feline Enforcers XIV, minus Michaela (who, sadly, passed last year). We were all watching the many winged dinners and scurrydogs at the feeders.  Quality, affordable family entertainment, that.

Although my Library is closed today, we should be open tomorrow for regular hours (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.).  Don't expect moi there, however.  I'm not leaving indoors until all this snow melts.  At this rate, I'll see you in June.

Actually, we've had an extremely mild winter in central Indiana, at least as far as precipitation is concerned.  We've had more snow in the last two weeks than we had for all the rest of winter up to that point.  Nothing like most of the rest of the country has been experiencing.

Stay warm!  Curl up with your favorite feline.  Works for moi.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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