Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A MEG-A-RAE Farewell

Before she headed south, Savvy, our former teen librarian, made MEG-A-RAE, a video blog (vlog) with Programma Mama, our former teen services & adult programming coordinator.  Here's their playlist.

MEG-A-RAE Video Playlist

In my recent farewell to Programma Mama, I reprised our farewell video to Savvy and suggested that she return the favor.  Done and done.

MEG-A-RAE Episode #30:
A Very Special Farewell to Meg from Rae

Well said, Savvy.  Thanks.

Best wishes again to Programma Mama in her new librarian adventures at Brownsburg (Indiana) Public Library.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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