Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tober's Minions Banish Winter With Hoodie Hoo

Last Friday (February 20, 2015) was the annual Hoodie Hoo Day at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library, when TPL staff and friends banished winter with a hearty "hoodie hoooooo!" Tober, TPL Boss Cat, has a video of all the excitement.

To Watch Video, Click Image (Above) to Jump to Tober's Blog

It was 12 degrees Fahrenheit outside when they recorded this video clip, so this was probably the coldest Hoodie Hoo ever.  The next day, central Indiana was hit with around eight inches of snow.  I guess Winter was a tad bit irked at being banished.

There's Some Chow Beneath That Snow Somewhere, Scurrydog

Still, TPL gave Jack Frost the proverbial business, so things should begin warming around here soon.  Not this week, when we'll once again have bitter cold, but these things take time.

Tober, of course, was inside the library, safe and warm.  We felines have some sense.  That's why we have minions to perform the necessary grunt-work.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

1 comment:

  1. Brrr! You guys are having some intense winter this year!


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