For some time now, I've been living across town and don't have as much opportunity to visit the library as I once did. Now Kindly Couple have decided that I'm to be an indoor-only kitty, since I'm not getting any younger, and they don't want moi to be wandering the streets.
So I guess I should make my retirement official. I've enjoyed reporting about MPL and lots of other topics since I began blogging in December 2010. I've made many friends (some human, some feline, some slobberdog, some other critters), and I will miss seeing everybody and sharing blog posts and comments. Being a feline roving reporter has been a dream job for moi. I hope you've enjoyed the trip, too.
I'll be leaving all of my blog posts up on the Internet for the foreseeable future, if you'd like to re-read any.
Thanks to my many loyal followers! It has truly been fun.
Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat