Cauli Le Chat

Cauli Le Chat
Cauli Le Chat, MPL Feline Roving Reporter

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Retirement

For some time now, I've been living across town and don't have as much opportunity to visit the library as I once did.  Now Kindly Couple have decided that I'm to be an indoor-only kitty, since I'm not getting any younger, and they don't want moi to be wandering the streets.

So I guess I should make my retirement official.  I've enjoyed reporting about MPL and lots of other topics since I began blogging in December 2010.  I've made many friends (some human, some feline, some slobberdog, some other critters), and I will miss seeing everybody and sharing blog posts and comments.  Being a feline roving reporter has been a dream job for moi.  I hope you've enjoyed the trip, too.

I'll be leaving all of my blog posts up on the Internet for the foreseeable future, if you'd like to re-read any.

Thanks to my many loyal followers!  It has truly been fun.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A New Definition of Awesome

In their new editions, dictionaries will have Crafty Gal's photo next to the definition of awesome.  Well, they should.

Crafty Gal & Porcine Pal

Crafty Gal will be leaving the library staff in a couple of weeks.  Sad does not begin to express how we feel about it.  Her early literacy programs are now legendary.  She has significantly boosted the library's early literacy resources available to patrons.  She revolutionized the library's use of social media.  She writes an outstanding blog about early literacy.  She is a terrific all-around reference librarian.  She also made fantastic videos. Here are her playlists:

Nursery Rhyme Time with Miss Michelle (Video Playlist)

Early Literacy Videos:  Miss Michelle @ MPL (Video Playlist)

In short, what Crafty Gal couldn't do wasn't worth doing.  Put more affirmatively, she has been a superlative, preeminent librarian. Metaphorically, she leaves huge shoes to fill.  (Her feet are not actually that big.)

Most of all, we will miss Crafty Gal's wonderful sense of humor and her passion for early literacy programming.  She has taken the library to new heights, and our preschool patrons (and their caregivers) will sorely miss her.  We, too.

Good luck with your new adventures, Crafty Gal.  May you always fare well.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  We've put together a video montage of some of Crafty Gal's most memorable moments in early literacy fun.  There's no better tribute than one's own work.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Boss Lady is Mooresvillian of the Year

As Sparkle the Designer Cat (2002-2014) used to say, concatulations to Boss Lady, recipient of the 2014 Mooresvillian of the Year award.  Around these parts, this is a huge honor  It's like a local version of the presidential medal of freedom, or the O.B.E.  Click the photos to bigify.

This is a well-deserved honor.  Boss Lady contributes to our community in so many ways, there's not enough room in this blog post to list them all. All the folks in the Mooresville area should tip their hats.  I'd tip mine, but it's Photoshopped.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hoopla is Nearly Here

Hoopla will be launched on our website on Friday, March 13, 2015.  Lady RaDA, Casey at the Bat, and Crafty Gal have made a promo trailer about it.

Hoopla Promo Trailer #2, by MPL

Learn more about Hoopla from our website.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Hoopla Promo Trailer #1, by MPL

Hoopla Promo Trailer #2A, by MPL

P.S.  Want to watch our other two Hoopla promo trailers?  Sure you do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A MEG-A-RAE Farewell

Before she headed south, Savvy, our former teen librarian, made MEG-A-RAE, a video blog (vlog) with Programma Mama, our former teen services & adult programming coordinator.  Here's their playlist.

MEG-A-RAE Video Playlist

In my recent farewell to Programma Mama, I reprised our farewell video to Savvy and suggested that she return the favor.  Done and done.

MEG-A-RAE Episode #30:
A Very Special Farewell to Meg from Rae

Well said, Savvy.  Thanks.

Best wishes again to Programma Mama in her new librarian adventures at Brownsburg (Indiana) Public Library.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hear That March Lion Roar!

In fitting feline fashion, March came in like a lion today.

 Click Photos to Bigify

There was too much snow for moi to walk over to the Library--plus there were whopper trucks plowing the streets, which are noisy and scary to us kitties--so I visited Kindly Couple, who took these pix from inside their house.  (Actually, they didn't want to get the camera lens wet.)  I, too, did not venture out.  No fools, we.

I had a nice chat with Feline Enforcers XIV, minus Michaela (who, sadly, passed last year). We were all watching the many winged dinners and scurrydogs at the feeders.  Quality, affordable family entertainment, that.

Although my Library is closed today, we should be open tomorrow for regular hours (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.).  Don't expect moi there, however.  I'm not leaving indoors until all this snow melts.  At this rate, I'll see you in June.

Actually, we've had an extremely mild winter in central Indiana, at least as far as precipitation is concerned.  We've had more snow in the last two weeks than we had for all the rest of winter up to that point.  Nothing like most of the rest of the country has been experiencing.

Stay warm!  Curl up with your favorite feline.  Works for moi.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat