Friday, July 18, 2014

Sweet! Road Trip to Hunter's Honey Farm

Today my minions and "Flat" Cauli (I forget which number she is--possibly six or seven--there are so many "Flat" Caulis, but they all look alike to moi) took a road trip ("sweet!") to Hunter's Honey Farm, about a half-dozen miles from Martinsville, Indiana.  I would have gone moiself, but I'm frankly scared of stinging dinners (or bees, as humans call them), so I sent "Flat" Cauli in my stead.

Sweet indeed was the operative word for this adventure, since there were honeybees making all kinds of delicious honey.  Naturally, we took photos, which you should click to bigify.

Hunter's Honey Farm Gift Shop

"Flat" Cauli & the Lady With the Red Hair
Outside the Gift Shop

Inside the store there were all manner of honey products:  many varieties of honey (of course), including raw honey; honey stix; beeswax; honeycomb; pollen; propolis; dippers and containers; honey cookbooks; soaps; cosmetic cream; candles; even deodorant!  They also sell Christmas trees!  How cool is that?

Hunter's has a nice brochure that explains about all the cool stuff they offer, plus guided tours.  There's a pawdy (or handy, as humans would say) map and online info, too.  You'll need to click them to bigify, though.

"Flat" Cauli was fascinated by the honeybees.  Hunter's had helpful signs explaining the different types of bees and the work they do.

There was a model working area in which the honeybees showcased their creative talents.  This was quite interesting!

 The white stuff is honeycomb, I'll venture

 Pipe connects honeybees with indoor display hive
to the great outdoors, where the flowering plants live

About a gazillion honeybees working up a storm in there

We weren't able to take a guided tour, as these need to be scheduled in advance, and our road trip was rather spontaneous.  While the Lady With the Red Hair was working at Greenwood Public Library's booth at the Johnson County 4-H & Agricultural Fair earlier this week, she dropped by Hunter's booth there and decided we needed to visit.  So we just up and went this afternoon!

The Lady With the Red Hair & "Flat" Cauli
on a "bench tree" outside Hunter's gift shop

Drop by Hunter's to see what wonders honeybees are making.  There's a special event planned for September.

Click Image to Bigify

I found this video on YouTube about Hunter's and its over-a-century of beekeeping legacy.

Click Image to Play Video

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Click Image to Play Video

P.S. Here's another YouTube video about a visit to Hunter's.

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