Friday, June 13, 2014

Return of the Native

My blog followers probably recall the tearful circumstances of my departure, as my humans moved over yonder hills and dales far, far away from my birthplace.  Owing to some good fortune (for moi, particularly), one of my humans found a better job close to Mooresville, Indiana, than the one that prompted us to move last December, and, so, we are back in town.

My humans asked me not to reveal all across the webernet where exactly we live, and so I'll just give you a general picture.


Surely I can zoom in a bit closer, don'tcha think?

Winged Dinner's Eye View of Much of Mooresville, Indiana
(Mooresville Public Library--Lower Left)
(Click Image to Bigify)

I used to live on the same street as my Library, but now I'm living on the other side of the sky photo.  So I won't be able to visit MPL daily as I used to do, but I'll still come over when I can and hang around outside the building.  That means I won't be able to blog as often as I used to, but we'll still manage to highlight what's happening at the Library and around the big city.

I can't believe so much has changed in the six months I've been gone. Technigal and Ivy Technigal  have both moved on to greener pastures. Tom, our former facilities manager, who I don't recall if I gave an official "Cauli name," has also journeyed forth into the wider world.  You can see Tom and Ivy T. in our 2013 music video, which Scowl-Face just edited (earlier this week) because Broadway Gal said it was too long.  She knows about such things.  She told him over a year ago.  Ol' Scowlly is a tad slow getting through his work pile.

Libraries & Old Dewey, by Suzanne Walker & MPL Staff & Volunteers (2013)
(Music Video Parody of Rocky Top, by the Osborne Brothers)

Hey, here's a thought:  Since Tom appeared as a Melvil Dewey wannabe in the video, his "Cauli name" could be Tom Dewey, sort of like the subject of that folk song, Tom Dooley.  Only our Tom isn't from Wilkes County, North Carolina in 1866, as far as I can tell.

You can see Technigal is this promo trailer.  I bet she thought she was free from this sort of nonsense.  Think again!

MPL Technical Services Promo Trailer (2012)

So, Boss Lady, I presume you'll be giving moi back my job as the official MPL feline roving reporter.  Who else could do my job?  Certainly not Scowl-Face.

I've taken the liberty of secretly moving some of my stuff back into the Indiana Roving Reporter Room.  Staying ahead of the curve, as always.

Glad to be back!  Now, MPL staff, get moi some din-dins.  It was a long walk over here from my new home across town.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat



  2. We've missed you, Cauli. Glad you're back.


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