When I'm not hanging around the Library, I live with a human family in the neighborhood. This is my "regular" home, because the food is good, and I have nice places to sleep and kind humans who serve moi. I also visit some of my minions who work or volunteer at the Library (e.g., Kindly Couple), mostly to visit with their multitude of kitties, but also because the food is superb.
I've just discovered that my "regular" human family will be moving soon to a faraway land, which sounds quite exciting. I've always wanted to travel more in this lifetime! Anyway, I won't be able to hang out at the Library anymore, because it will be too far for moi to walk.
I'd like to extend a most heartfelt THANK YOU! to all my loyal readers. In nearly three years (I began this blog on December 19, 2010) I've posted 1,183 articles to this blog, and they will remain online for anybody who wants to read (or re-read) them. It has all been tremendous fun.
I've enjoyed working with my minions at MPL and will miss all the cool adventures we've had there.
It has been a wild ride.
Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat
P.S. There are lots of goodbye songs. Here's a music video featuring the original demo of "Too Much to Lose," by Gordon Lightfoot, which appeared in a more polished, slightly different lyrical version (a previously unreleased track) on the CD compilation, Songbook (1999).
P.P.S. The Weavers covered "So Long, It's Been Good to Know You," composed by Woody Guthrie, which was included on the LP The Weavers Greatest Hits (1957).
P.P.P.S. "So Long, Farewell" was a sweet song performed in the stage and movie versions of the musical The Sound of Music (1965). Naturally, it was included on the movie soundtrack album (1965). Here's a music clip from the soundtrack, with the youthful troupe (portraying the von Trapp family) singing. Did you know the movie director, Robert Wise, grew up in Winchester, Indiana? True statement, as Broadway Gal (or Sammy the Toucan) would say.
P.P.P.P.S. The Jayhawks performed "Sister Cry" live at the el Azkena Rock Festival (2008). The tune originally appeared on the group's CD Hollywood Town Hall (1992). The refrain's final lyrics say it all.