Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gnomebody Home

The MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room has a new squatter.  Well, almost.

Hanging Outside My Turf
(Click Images to Bigify) 

So, what's the deal with this dude?  BTW, he looks like "Flat" Morris.  Just saying.

Word to the wise, bearded fellow.  Don't mess up my books and other things.  I'll be watching.  We have a security camera, and Cauliette is ever vigilant.

Cauliette Sees All

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S. [Reprised from a previous blog post.] "Teeny Tiny Gnome" (1966) was intended as comic relief on the second Monkees album, but Don Kirshner, who had been hired to supervise the group's music, nixed the tune in favor of other fare from his stable of songwriters. "Teeny Tiny Gnome" finally appeared on the compilation album The Monkees Missing Links (volume one) (1987).

1 comment:

  1. Morris is very well-mannered, Cauli. I'm sure he has some canned tuna (in oil) in his knapsack for your hospitality.


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