Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hitting the Big Time

Casey at the Bat and Programma Mama hit the big time while attending the American Library Association (ALA) bigbash this past week in Chicago.  I'll get to that momentarily.

Besides hanging out with librarians galore, attending informative workshops, and visiting library-related exhibits, C.A.T.B. and P.M. also met with famous authors.  Naturally, we've got some exclusive photos.

 Author Lauren Myracle signs Casey at the Bat's daughter's copy of Twelve

Author Lois Lowry signs Programma Mama's copy of The Giver

Casey at the Bat's blog posting about meeting authors (such as Lauren Myracle and Audrey Niffenegger) was showcased in the ALA's conference highlights.  Click here to read the e-newsletter.

The annual ALA national conference and exhibition is a librarians' Mecca.  It is truly amazing how much one can learn and absorb in just one week.  I haven't yet read their reports, but I'm sure there are many wonderful library ideas that they will be sharing with our staff.  I'm just hoping some of the vendors' free giveaways included canned tuna-in-oil.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat
P.S.  Singer/songwriter (and, now, children's author) Janis Ian performed at the wrap-up/rev party at the 2013 ALA conference.  If you've never heard her repertoire of great songs, you've been living under a rock for the past half century.

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