Monday, June 24, 2013

Dinosaur Diggin' With Crafty Gal

In this week's early literacy programs at the Library, we're diggin' dinosaurs with Crafty Gal.  I'm plenty excited!  You can tell because I used an exclamation mark.

Crafty Gal is having her early literacy charges digging for dinosaur bones in our excavation site near our outdoor Kinder Garden youth activity area, which is also my favorite hangout at the Library.

MPL Kinder Garden Outdoor Youth Activity Area

Boss Lady took some snapshots that appear on Crafty Gal's blog.  What dinosaurs were discovered?  I don't know, but I'm sure of one thing:  I didn't use the sand piles for a litter box.  Just saying.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Tim the Dinosaur," by the Ziggens, a self-described "cowpunksurfabilly" band from Orange County, California, appeared on the CD Pit Stop (1995).


  1. Thank you for not using our dig site for your business, Cauli. I'm bummed that I didn't see you at the program, since we were outside. Was it canned tuna time?

    1. Sorry, Crafty Gal. I was dumpster diving over by Hong Kong restaurant, and my minions didn't arrive to work until noon, after the program had finished.

    2. I hope you found something tasty! :)

    3. Always a succulent treat waiting for the skillful dumpster diver!


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