Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's All a Masquerade

Cue Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer.

"Charade" (instrumental version)
by Henry Mancini (music) & Johnny Mercer (lyrics)
from the motion picture Charade (1963)
Starring Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant

Everybody was disguised at the Library last night, as Programma Mama and, in a surprise return, Savvy (who flew all the way from Florida) hosted a Masquerade Ball in our Bonita Marley Community Room.  There was a HUGE turnout--there were more masks than you'd see at a caped crusader convention--and, of course, we have some photos, courtesy of our own dynamic duo.  As always, click the images to bigify.

 "Wait--Is it cheese or Cleese that we're supposed to say?"

 Must be John Cleese that we say

Basil Fawlty imitations?  Just asking

It sounded as if everyone was having a grand ol' time.  I could hear the music from my digs several blocks away!  Seriously, it was a truly top-notch party--a wonderful success.  Big congrats to Programma Mama and Savvy.  They deserve a raise, Boss Lady.  Oh, wait, Savvy doesn't work here anymore.  Still, she deserves something for all her hard work yesterday.  I'll pony-up three cans of tuna-in-oil for her.  There's a limit to generosity, after all.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Here's a video interview with My Yellow Rickshaw (2010).

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