Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our Tribute to Cataloger Queen

That truly sad day is approaching when Cataloger Queen will be departing for green pastures and happy trails.  What my Library will do without her is anybody's guess.

Fortunately, we have hired Ivy Technigal as our new youth services assistant/cataloger, and we are quite happy about that.  But there is absolutely NO WAY we could ever replace Cataloger Queen.  That's no reflection upon Ivy Technigal, who is a fine addition to the MPL teamsters; rather, it's just an acknowledgement of the magnificent array of librarian skills that Cataloger Queen will be taking with her.

We can't let Cataloger Queen leave without suffering the humiliation of one of our tribute trailers.

Miss Miriam Tribute Trailer
by Mooresville Public Library

 Adieu, Cataloger Queen.  May you always fare well.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat
P.S.  Let's watch and listen to The Glance perform "Spies" (2011).  This is Cataloger Queen's favorite musical group.

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