Monday, May 13, 2013


Today (May 13) is Frog Jumping Day.  Celebrate by jumping like a hopping dinner!  Or watch our book trailer below.

MPL Book Trailer #130
Fun Facts About Frogs! by Carmen Bredeson

This book is in our level 3 Ready to Read collection in our youth services department.  It's ready to check-out, if you have an Evergreen Indiana library card.

Hopping dinners are loads of fun for moi to watch.  I like to see them jump. I don't eat them, of course, because my dinner comes on a plate out of a can.

If you're a human, you, too, could hop like one of these amphibians.  You'd look rather foolish, unless, of course, you're a people kid.  They can get away with any type of fun behavior.  But grown-up humans--not so much. Too bad, really.  Adult peoples need to lighten up.

Read Mark Twain's short story, by the way.  Jumping frogs can make you money!  Or not.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Want a frog song?  You asked for it.

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