Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hold On, Now!

Hold on, now!  Patron holds have found a new home.  We used to keep them behind the circulation desk, where staff would retrieve held items upon request.  Now it's self-serve, like much of our checkout system has become.

If you take a sharp right as you enter the Library, you will see where the self-service hold shelves are now situated.

 Click Images to Bigify

Patrons must still check-out items on hold after picking them up.  Use our self-check kiosks, or visit the circulation desk.

The auto-sorting machine for returned items is operating, and the return slot looks pretty scary to moi.  Sort of like some monster with glowing green teeth.  But people patrons say it looks quite friendly and inviting.

New Automated Self-Return Check-in Drop Slot

Machines make strange noises, so I avoid them (feline caution preserves our nine lives, to be sure).   I'll send "Flat" Cauli V (Flat Five for short) to investigate.

Flat Five Checks Out the Auto Check-in Station

Be careful, now, Flat Five.  That machine sounds hungry.

Flat Five!  Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

She's okay.  Scowl-Face grabbed her and took her back to the Indiana Roving Reporter Room.  Hope there's a litter box in there.  Just saying.

Just follow the instructions on the monitor above the self-return slot, and you're good to go!

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  What's your favorite "hold" song?  There are plenty from which to choose.  "Hold On," by Kansas, is as good a place to start as any.  The song was released as a single (1980) but also appeared on the LP Audio-Visions (1980).

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