Friday, May 3, 2013

An Out-of-the-Ordinary Day

Today is Paranormal Day.  I've got a bunch of blog posts about the paranormal.  We've also got two book trailer playlists featuring the paranormal (both nonfiction and fiction).  Our Library is apparently haunted, or so says our handout.  Or should that be a pawout?  Just asking.

Want to watch a couple of our paranormal book trailers?  Okay, I mean four.  We'll start with two horror stories, then two nonfiction titles.

MPL Book Trailer #171
Nightmare at 20,000 Feet:  Horror Stories by Richard Matheson

MPL Book Trailer #160
The Birds & Other Stories, by Daphne du Maurier

MPL Book Trailer #63
Poltergeist, by Colin Wilson

MPL Book Trailer #153
Thirty Years Among the Dead, by Carl A. Wickland, M.D.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  The Library's composer has written about paranormal themes, such as this selection (above) and these others, based on real life events.

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