Monday, May 27, 2013

175 Large

I'm not much with the hip lingo of today's young folks, but I just noticed that my blog viewings have reached 175,000.  Is that 175 large? Whatever.

Thanks to my loyal readers for following my postings.  Just in case Boss Lady or our Library Board start handing out canned tuna-in-oil for top achievers, I'll mention in passing that my blog has the largest readership of any at my Library.  Our most popular social media, however, is our YouTube Channel, which just topped 300,000 viewings.

How should we celebrate? Extra portions of din-dins and naps spring immediately to mind. But perhaps my Library should erect some sort of display honoring my achievement. I'm available to pose for a bronze statue anytime. It could be placed where the water volcano now sits. It isn't erupting water anymore, so why not replace it with a statue of moi? Just asking.

Now-Dormant Water Volcano in the MPL Courtyard
(Blurry Photo From 2011)

Steady-cam, Scowl-Face.  You really need to use that tripod when you're snapping pix with the Library's digital camera.

A Considerable Improvement, I'd Wager

There must be some reputable sculptors around here, Boss Lady.  I'd look better in solid gold, but bronze would be fine.  Copper turns green, so we'll pass on that.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S. Hüsker Dü, a "hardcore punk" band from St. Paul, Minnesota, released "Statues" as a bonus track on the CD re-release of the album Everything Falls Apart (1983).

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a GREAT idea, Cauli - I hope the library gets on it, STAT!


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