Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Triumphant Re-Voicing

My Library's composer has re-voiced (I think that's the correct term) the first movement of one of his best symphonies.  He has uploaded it as a "music video" to his YouTube channel, using one of his photographs as a background "still" image for the soundtrack.

"Sick Doctors Treating Healthy Patients"
First movement from Music Therapy for the Deranged
(2013 Orchestral Remix)
by Daniel E. Buckley

Music Therapy for the Deranged (2010) is one of my favorite symphonies (using the original instrumentation), but the new orchestral voicing (2013) gives the compositions extra texture and subtle new impressions.  The updated version will delight and amaze.  It is a triumph that has been favorably compared with the musical scoring of famous film composer Bernard Herrmann.

We used a portion of the first movement as the musical soundtrack to one of our recent book trailers.

The Clocks, by Agatha Christie
(MPL Book Trailer #172)

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  To hear the original (2010) version of Music Therapy for the Deranged, you could reprise my blog posting.

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