Thursday, May 30, 2013

Will Travel 4 Bookmobile (ViaggerĂ  Per Libro Veicolo)

Lots of libraries have shared this photo on Facebook, but I saw it courtesy of Browser, the Pine River (Minnesota) Public Library Cat.  Thanks, Browser!

Library Bookmobile in Ferrandina, Italy
(Click Images to Bigify)

We need one of these, Boss Lady.  Why not have the Library Board of Trustees (or the Friends of the Library) pay for moi and a couple of minions to travel over to Ferrandina, Italy to see if we could purchase this one?

It couldn't cost all that much for a feline roving reporter to fly first-class to Italy.  Minions could ride with the baggage.

So where is Ferrandina, anyway?

What's it look like around there?

Ferrandina, Italy

I might need to stay awhile to scope out the bookmobile and negotiate a sweet deal.  Six months, at least.  Probably a year.  Or two.  Maybe I could get a job (minions, too) working at the local library.  I could even drive the bookmobile!  I'm an excellent driver, as I've previously shown.

Setting the Pace at the Indianapolis 500

Definitely Not on Mondays

I'm not sure about my Italian translation for the title of this posting, however.  I used one of those free online translators.  I hope it doesn't say something bad.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Speaking of Italy, here's a music video of Lucio Dalla (1943-2012) singing "Caruso" (2003), which he composed in 1986, and which has been covered by a gazillion musicians and performers.


  1. Cauli, you'd have to be able to speak Italian to get a job over there. Just saying.

    1. I'll hire more minions to translate for moi, Scowl-Face. You, however, are on your own.

  2. Hey, Cauli, that "Rain Man" reference is a bit dated. When was that movie released? 1988, I think. That was WAY before you were born!

    1. I've got nine lives, BTW. Anyway, I saw the movie on TV a few years ago. Cats watch TV pretty carefully when something interesting is happening.


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