Thursday, March 7, 2013

More Seuss 4 U

Crafty Gal and Aggie McPooch continue celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday (March 2) by featuring some classic Seuss reading in the Library's early literacy programs.  Take a look at those wonderful crafts!  We don't call her Crafty Gal for nothing.

This week's early literacy video blog (vlog) delivers the details.

Miss Michelle @ MPL: Early Literacy Fun at the Library
(Week of March 3-9, 2013)

Since we like Dr. Seuss, too, we thought we'd promote some Seuss ourselves.

MPL Book Trailer #149
The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss

While casually discussing all this Seuss-festing, a colleague suggested Go, Dog. Go!, but Crafty Gal corrected the error--that book was written by P.D. Eastman in 1961--but it's still a great early literacy read.  We've got a book trailer, as you probably already suspected.

MPL Book Trailer #4
Go, Dog. Go!, by P.D. Eastman

We like Crafty Gal's new look, by the way.  It's a keeper, I'd venture.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  On March 5, 2011, Monroe County Public Library (in Bloomington, Indiana) celebrated Dr. Seuss with "Seusspicious Behavior."  Clever title! Minions, take note.  Here was MCPL's promo trailer.

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