Thursday, March 7, 2013

Like, Psychedelic, Dude

Word in the library stacks is that Go Ask Reference, our music video parody of "White Rabbit" (1967), by Jefferson Airplane, is now available to watch on the MPL YouTube Channel.  The video promotes our reference services and is the brainchild of Savvy, MPL teen librarian, and Programma Mama, MPL adult programming coordinator.

Wait!  Shouldn't we run our exclusive promo trailer first?  Just asking.

MPL Promo Trailer for Go Ask Reference,
by Mooresville Public Library

Like, psychedelic, dude!  Now for the real deal.  Crank up the volume, tune-in, turn-on, and drop-out check-out some items from the Library.

Go Ask Reference, by Savvy & Programma Mama

You get the full stereophonic experience if you listen with headphones or ear buds.  If you play it backwards, the recording says, "daeh ruoy deef, daeh ruoy deef, dias nairarbil eht tahw rebmemer, [etc. etc.]"  So don't. Just don't.  'Nuff said.

If you haven't read Lewis Carroll (or, if you prefer, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), you jolly well better get started.  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871), are MUCH better than any movie adaptations, once you get accustomed to the Victorian English writing style.  These are available in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.  Naturally, we have a book trailer.

MPL Book Trailer #66
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll

Feel free to share Go Ask Reference with everybody you know and even others you've hardly never met yet, even.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  So how do we compare to Jefferson Airplane's original version of "White Rabbit," included on the LP Surrealistic Pillow (1967)?  Hey, they probably had four-track and analog recording engineers fifty years ago.  We had Scowl-Face.  That explains a lot.

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