Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Library Videos Take Over

The Lady With the Red Hair volunteers at my Library, but she is also a real, live librarian (head of technical services, no less) at another Evergreen Indiana library.  Perhaps you've visited there.  If not, you should.  It's a terrific library, just like mine, only much larger.

Anyway, T.L.W.T.R.H. has to submit monthly departmental reports to her library board of trustees.  Usually, this means paper documents (well, email attachments, so no trees were harmed), but for this month's meeting, T.L.W.T.R.H. decided to go video.  I'd show it to you, but it's for the board's exclusive viewing, so sharing is right out.  Instead, you'll have to settle for some book trailers that the Red-Haired Lady has made.

Book Trailer for Dream Big, Little Pig,
by Kristi Yamaguchi

Book Trailer for The Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series,
by Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Book Trailer for Murder Past Due,
by Miranda James
(Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series)

Book Trailer for Classified as Murder,
by Miranda James
(Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series)

I can say this:  Her board video included this photo:

She Never Said I Couldn't Post THIS

My long-time, loyal readers have seen this before, of course.

I mention this whole business simply to emphasize the growing importance that social media technologies play in librarians' lives.  Video makes everything better.  That's why my Library has nearly 400 videos (so far) uploaded to our YouTube channel.  (We just reached 100 subscribers, too.) That's why T.L.W.T.R.H. made those book trailers above (and her board report video).

Closer to home, Savvy and Programma Mama have created a music video parody that promotes MPL reference services.  It's called Go Ask Reference, which satirizes the 1967 Jefferson Airplane hit song, "White Rabbit."  They are presently working in the editing stages, so you'll have to wait to see it.  Fortunately, I am allowed to post it here, first, or pretty much.

We've got a promo trailer for Go Ask Reference, but I'm not allowed to show that, either, yet.  Sorry.

Stay tuned!  My minions will have more videos before you can say Jack Robinson.  Whoever he is.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Savvy and Programma Mama's music video is a satire/parody of "White Rabbit," by Jefferson Airplane, from the album Surrealistic Pillow (1967).  Want to see a psychedelic music video from way back then? Thanks to the television variety series, The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967-1970), we can.  Even after almost half a century, it still seems pretty cool.

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