Monday, March 4, 2013

Prepare to be Thrilled

This week's MEG-A-RAE is all about thrillers.  Plus suspense.  So prepare to be thrilled.  Or suspended.  Something like that.

MEG-A-RAE #28:  A Very Special Thriller Episode,
by Programma Mama & Savvy

In addition to the standard theme music ("The Andromeda Cometh," from the CD Andromeda [2010], by the Library's composer, whom I call the Music Man), we added "Nightmares," from the CD Dreams: A Journey Through the Sleeping Mind (2008), also by the Music Man, to heighten the scariness.

Programma Mama was acting sorta strange.  Must have taken "a shining" to some popular horror novels.  (Apologies to Stephen King.)

By the way, we have a book trailer (of course we do) featuring Agatha Christie's suspense tale, And Then There Were None.

MPL Book Trailer #77
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie

The young adult novel reviewed in MEG-A-RAE, Ten, by Gretchen McNeil, sounds like a retread of Christie's story, but, hey, retelling a classic is itself an expression of creativity.  In fiction, everybody borrows something from somebody.

Hope Programma Mama is back to "normal" (whatever that might be) by next week's episode of MEG-A-RAE.  My heart can stand only so many scares.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Whenever they said the word thriller, Savvy and Programma Mama were doing some moves from Michael Jackson's music video, Thriller (1983).  It was directed by John Landis. Is there anybody on the planet who hasn't already seen it?  If so, here's your chance, courtesy of and YouTube.

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