Friday, March 8, 2013

Teen Tech Week Cometh

Teen Tech Week is fast approaching, and during March 11-14, my Library has some great hands-on technology programs for young adults.

 Click Images to Bigify

Like what, you may wonder?

Sound mega-cool?  If you're a teen, you should become a part of the excitement.  If for no other reason, it's Savvy's last week as MPL teen librarian, so you should attend the programs to say goodbye, at least.  Having fun and learning some new technological skills is a bonus.
You could learn to blog like moi.  Well, not as fine as moi--let's be honest--but pretty well, I'd wager.  I don't know much about gaming, so you're on your own there.  Actually, Savvy will be there to help you along.  As for book trailers, my Library has 180 uploaded to our YouTube Channel.  Want to see our complete book trailer playlist?  Of course you do.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat


P.S.  Perhaps our techie teens will create a video as fun as Go Ask Reference, by Savvy, Programma Mama, and a cast of the rest of us at the Library.  Except Scowl-Face.  Some characters are just too frightening for public viewing.


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