Thursday, February 7, 2013

Broadway Gal Strums Some Story Time

Broadway Gal, who used to work at my Library but now works at the Indiana State Library (she is the children's services consultant for the State of Indiana), has a new video demonstrating the ways youth services librarians (or anyone doing a group sing-along) may spice up "story time" programs by playing guitar.  Too tough to do?  Not so, says Broadway Gal. Three chords, and you're good to go.

Broadway Gal & Sammy the Toucan
Show How Guitar Playing Makes
Children's Library Programs Much More Fun

Sammy was uncharacteristically quiet during this video.  Cat got your tongue, Sammy?  (What an old cliche!)  I'm guessing that Sammy decided not to steal Broadway Gal's thunder. From one performing professional to another, that's the right move.

This video (above) is part of Broadway Gal's new video series, Sammy's Mama Wannabe a Rockstar Subscribe to Broadway Gal & Sammy's YouTube Channel to keep up with their latest youth services library videos.  You can learn a lot from a toucan and a Broadway star.  We certainly did.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Anyone Can Play Guitar," by Radiohead, was released as a single from the group's debut album Pablo Honey (1993).  Apparently, everybody who happened by the recording studio (including the catering staff) was allowed to contribute to the track.  We know guitar is a complex instrument--we've watched the MPL composer play for years--but, with practice and dedication, you, too, could become quite proficient.

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