Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Quarter Mil in Video Outreach

Today the MPL YouTube Channel passed a quarter million viewings, after just a month more than three years operating.  Pretty good for a library serving under 15,000 patrons in Brown Township (Morgan County) and the Town of Mooresville, Indiana.

Of course, my Library serves patrons across the state through Evergreen Indiana, so the actual number of patrons who check-out materials from MPL is much larger than the number of residents in the township.  Still, it's nowhere near 250,000.  Through our social media, MPL reaches a global audience.  My blog viewership is approaching 160,000 viewings, and others by MPL staffers are in the tens of thousands.  Social media is powerful stuff.

Concatulations (as Sparkle the Designer Cat would say) to everybody at MPL (past and present) for making our YouTube Channel so successful. Half a million should be a breeze!  Well, gale force winds, anyway.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Speaking of quarters, "Harden My Heart," by Quarterflash, was released as a hit single from the group's self-titled debut album (1981). The band is sometimes called a "one-hit wonder," but I seem to recall several of their songs being popular.

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