Saturday, February 9, 2013

It Gets Plenty Cold Two Miles Under Ice

Two miles under the Antarctic ice fields, there may lie the remnants of the lost civilization of Atlantis.  Sheer fantasy?  Not so fast!  Objectively read Atlantis Beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent, by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath (Rochester, VT: Bear & Co., rev. & expanded ed., 2012). Keeping an open mind, consider their scientific and cultural arguments. There is much science here--cartography, geology, paleontology, cultural anthropology--as well as history and folklore.  Rand and Rose Flem-Ath have spent nearly forty years researching this subject, and Atlantis Beneath the Ice is their revised edition of an earlier book, When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis (Stoddart Publishing, 1995).  In the new edition, they update research and include additional materials.

Our book trailer gives a brief summary.

MPL Book Trailer #170
Atlantis Beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent,
by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath

The authors were inspired by Charles Hapgood's shifting earth crust theory, about which we have previously blogged.  Here's our book trailer for Hapgood's groundbreaking (pun intended) thesis.

MPL Book Trailer #22
Path of the Pole, by Charles Hapgood

Hapgood's book intrigued Albert Einstein, who, in the foreword (or preface or whatever) of the first edition of the book (then entitled Earth's Shifting Crust [1958]), he wrote, "This rather astonishing [idea] deserves the serious attention of anyone."  Pretty powerful, all-inclusive statement from one of the eminent scientists of the 20th century.

Atlantis Beneath the Ice, like Path of the Pole, is thought-provoking and stimulating.  Whether or not you may agree with the Flem-Aths theory, you will be left pondering the subject long after finishing the book.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Atlantis," by Scottish folk legend Donovan, embodies the open-minded, free-spirited "Age of Aquarius" days that filled the popular youth culture in the late 1960s.  It has one of those wonderful refrains that really catches your ear--even if it's a "bum" ear, like my lefty. The song was released as a single (1968) and appeared on the LP Barabajagal (1969). My Library has access to Donovan's autobiography, if you're interested.  Check it out with your Evergreen Indiana library card, if you have one.  If not, there's always interlibrary loan or online booksellers.

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