Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our Freebies For Old Settlers 2012

Look at the freebies we'll be giving away to patrons visiting the Library's booth at the Old Settlers Festival (August 5-6-7, 2012) at Pioneer Park (in Mooresville, Indiana).

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With the oppressively hot summer we've been having in Hoosierland (and everywhere else, it seems, across the country), what could be better than a library fan (for fans of the Library)?  Well, a portable air conditioner comes to mind, but those are too heavy and too large to slide into our plastic bags.

So you'll get our nifty personalized plastic bags along with some handy handouts, maybe some other goodies (bookmarks, pencils, magnets, and such like), a monogrammed fan (it WILL be hot at Old Settlers, let's face it), and whatever else we have to stuff into them.

You have to visit the Library booth at Old Settlers to get these goodies, so I'm expecting you there.  Bring moi some canned tuna-in-oil, while you're at it.

Boss Lady says you don't have to bring moi anything.  Now I'm bummed.

Sulking in the Kinder Garden Outside the Library,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Old Settlers News Beat

P.S.  If you've missed the Library's video about the history of Old Settlers, here's another chance to see it.

1 comment:

  1. You're very WELCOME'd' and invited to visit our booth at Old Settlers! Isn't it wonderful that our town has such a rich history and Old Settlers is such a tradition. Each year we celebrate Mooresville and enjoy this social event; it is likely that you will meet old friends who you might have missed over the year, as they too, stroll the sights and sounds of Old Settler, and enjoy the beautiful grounds of our one of our Town's parks.

    And BL doesn't mind if you choose to bring a little something for Cauli LeChat, she deserves a treat for all the wonderful reporting she does for MPL; keeping our residents informed of what's happening at YOUR LIBRARY!

    Please stop in, say Hi, and pick up your portable cooling device, an MPL Fan!

    Happy Old Settlers!


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