Saturday, July 28, 2012

It Could Be You

Who will be Broadway Gal's new youth services assistant, who will serve as early literacy specialist?  Since it's literally impossible to replace Wild Thang (because her talents are gargantuan, and ordinary folks can't possibly fill her shoes), we must still hire a gifted newbie who can work her or his way to becoming indispensable.  Our Library has a history of developing such staff (e.g., Broadway Gal, Wild Thang, Savvy, Technigal, moi--the list is too long to include here), who begin simply as highly skilled, proficient employees but blossom into wunderkinds (even if they're technically too old to be called that).  (In fairness, I should, as an aside, say that Broadway Gal was already a wunderkind when she started working at MPL five years ago.  Still, you see my point.)

Will it be YOU?  Why not you?  We could do a lot worse.  Scowl-Face is a case-in-point.

Seriously, if you're interested and qualified, you should apply.  Attach your job application to a carrier pigeon and let fly!  Okay, let's not do that last one.

Long-time followers of this feature know all the fun stuff Wild Thang has done in her capacity as early literacy specialist (or, generally, as youth services assistant, which is the official position title).  You, too, could be doing that!  Be honest:  Your current job cannot possibly be as enjoyable as this one.  You know I'm right about this.

Wild Thang & a ghostly Sammy the Toucan present their
Halloween special Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Fun blog video
(October 2011)

So get cracking!  These job application forms don't complete themselves. Do it today!  Otherwise, we might have to use Scowl-Face as a sub.  Believe moi, nobody wants that.

Sammy Makes a Great Ghost,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Youth Services Job News Beat

P.S.  Here's a Wild Thang musical video from her early literacy collection.  Enjoy!

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