Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Where's MY Biography? Just Asking

Today (May 16) is Biographer's Day.  It commemorates the first meeting in 1763 between Samuel Johnson and his biographer, James Boswell.  What does that mean to you and moi?  Well, it's a segue to our book trailer playlist of biographies.

Click the embedded player below to start the entire playlist, or click here to select individual book trailers from the playlist.

We have shelves and shelves of biographies in the Library's collections.  We will surely have a book or video about somebody who interests you.  Come browse or search our online Evergreen Indiana catalog to find what you're looking for.

Who's Writing MY Biography?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Biographies Playlist News Beat

P.S.  There are many biographical songs, and "Vincent," by Don McLean, is a pretty good example of the folk variety.  The song, of course, is about the artist Vincent van Gogh.  It was included on the album American Pie (1971), which featured McLean's biggest hit, the title song about Buddy Holly.

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