Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meet Cataloger Queen & BizMeister (Get to Know Series, Part Five)

We've already been introduced to BizMeister in a previous posting, but it's time to renew our acquaintance.  Cataloger Queen, too, is no stranger to Cauli followers.  I could call her by her Russian Cauli nicknameКОРОЛЕВА, but, frankly, that's too tough to type on a Roman alphabetic keyboard.  Let's keep things simple, shall we?

Cataloger Queen working hard at the MPL Youth Services
Information Desk (decked out for Halloween last year)

BizMeister settling some accounts
during the Library's centennial celebration
(May 12, 2012)

Let's begin with the favorite color (green for Cataloger Queen, blue for BizMeister) and favorite band queries.  BizMeister's number one band is Chicago.

"Questions 67 & 68," by Chicago
(originally called The Chicago Transit Authority)
from the LP The Chicago Transit Authority (1969)

Cataloger Queen's best-loved band is more personal.  It is The Glance, her son's band.  Have you heard the group's new album yet?  Better check The Glance's Facebook page.

"I Met My Match in the Bomb," by The Glance,
performed live (12/3/09) at Ruby Tuesday in Columbus, Ohio
[studio version from the CD Matchmaker (2010)]

BizMeister is a long-standing Mooresvillian.  She moved here in 1952, although she was born in Hawesville, Kentucky.  Queen Cataloger lives in Indianapolis, although she was born in eastern Ohio and grew up in Wellsville, on the banks of the Ohio River, just four miles from Pennsylvania.  QC has lived in the Hoosier state for nearly two decades.

BizMeister began working at MPL this past January, so she's still a newbie. Cataloger Queen, on the other paw, has worked at the Library for over 12 years. In a feline timescale (warp factor six), that's 72 years.

What are their favorite childhood memories about libraries?

  • Cataloger Queen:  "My favorite library memory is going to story time when my mother was the guest reader.  She read my favorite Dr. Seuss stories and illustrated them with huge posters of the characters (Sneetches, Zax, etc.) that she had hand-drawn and colored herself.  (I watched her.)  It was cool.  (My mother was not a librarian; she later became a school teacher.)"

  • BizMeister:  "Walking from Newby [Memorial Elementary School] to the [Mooresville Public] Library after school with friends, then on to the Rexall Drug Store for a cherry coke!"

BizMeister is one of our staff who, as a child, frequented the Library for which she now works.  Destiny, I'd venture.

Speaking of working at MPL, BizMeister's favorite thing about working here is "all the friendly staff."  For Cataloger Queen, "just about everything" makes her top ten list.  "I love the kids, the books, the staff, and the fact that I have finally found a use for all of the extraneous bits of information I have collected over the years!"

For moi, what separates Cataloger Queen from the public librarian pack is the friendly, almost matter-of-fact capability she has to answer the toughest reference questions from her young patrons.  Friendliness I'd expect from any of our staff, but CQ has a charm and grace that makes the answers seem so clear that patrons are confident that her assistance will satisfy their information needs.  Get this:  reference work is not even her primary job function, although she does A LOT of it everyday.  But I don't call her Queen Cataloger for nothing.  Her true expertise is as a cataloging librarian, a job which provides the toughest tasks in the whole profession (just ask The Lady With the Red Hair).  We are fortunate to have such proficiencies at our disposal in Youth Services.  (That's a department overloaded with excellence.  You youth services patrons should appreciate how lucky you are.)

BizMeister is still learning the ropes as MPL Business Manager (it takes a full year to learn any library job well), and everyone is still getting to know her (staff as well as patrons), but we already know that she is a trooper and a team player.  She always has a cheerful word to share and jumps into the fray whenever extra help is needed.  She hand-made Cauliette, which proves she is crafty and inventive.  You have to be smart and clever to crunch numbers.  It's tougher than crunching dry cat food, you know.

My Library is a special place because of employees like Cataloger Queen and BizMeister.  They could be working elsewhere, pulling down the big bucks, but, instead, they choose to work at MPL, where money isn't exactly falling from the skies.  They love their work.  That's good enough for moi.

But a Pay Raise is Always Welcome, Boss Lady -- Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Get to Know Staff News Beat

P.S.  We did the musical closers up above.  Weren't you paying attention?

1 comment:

  1. What great staff you have at Moorseville! Really like Cauliette too :)


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