Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Meet Miss Alicia, Craft Foods, and Sammy Songs

This week's edition of Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Blog is filled to the gills with excitement.  There are (count 'em!) two videos, in which Wild Thang will show you how to make edible crafts, Sammy the Toucan will sing a couple songs, and you'll meet Miss Alicia, the Library's summer intern.

How much more excitement can you handle?

Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Blog
with Wild Thang & Sammy the Toucan
(May 15, 2012 Edition)

Sammygrams:  What's New in MPL Youth Services
(May 15, 2012 Edition)

We Think Sammy Should Sing More Songs -- Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  In the early literacy video with Wild Thang, Sammy the Toucan sings a snippet of "Toast," by Heywood Banks, whose live recording from The Bob and Tom Show (WFBQ-FM, Q95, Indianapolis) graced  one fan's cute video.  Visit Heywood's website for more zany songs and parodies on his many CDs available.

P.P.S.  Also in the early literacy video, Sammy sings a portion of the theme song to the Nickelodeon children's television program, Pinwheel (1977-1989).  Here are the opening credits from the early 1980s, along with about 20 seconds of one of the episodes.

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