Sunday, May 6, 2012

More Romping Space For Moi (Five Years Early)

About five years before I joined our Library team as MPL feline roving reporter, a new addition was constructed (2006).  It was quite thoughtful of Boss Lady and the Big Board to build such a nice, spacious facility just so I, five years later, would have plenty of romping room.  But that's the kind of forward thinking for which our Big Board and Boss Lady are renowned.

You'll surely want to read all about it, if only to see all the great photos.  You know how to make it so.

Actually, the pictures are the best part of a Scowl-Face blog.  His words are soporific, which works for moi.  We cats love naptime.

Having Plenty of Space is Good For Moi,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

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